What you can do to make a difference? Here is your chance! Its time we all take a vested interest in helping keep our city clean! Join us at Westlake City Hall, 1001 Mulberry St., for the kick off of this new program! Individuals, families, groups and businesses are encouraged to pick an area and help us keep it clean! All items will be provided (ex: gloves, bags, and grabbers).
If you are reading this and think you don't have the time (work shift work, nights, weekends, have kids) then be glad to know you can decide the day and time that you help keep the area you pick clean and we will even designate that area for you on a map at city hall.
Have questions or need any details? Contact Renee Jones at City Hall 337-433-0691.
Please take the time to share to your groups and friends. This is a great opportunity for clubs and civic groups to get involved in our community.